Google Quick Draw Launched, a Web Game That Showcases the Prowess of Neural Networks
Google seems to be currently obsessed with neural networks, which uses human-like systems to bring contextual understanding to machine learning. On Tuesday, the company announced the implementation of the technique for its translation tool and now its latest mini-game 'Quick Draw' showcases how this technology can be both impressive and fun at the same time. Although the name of the web game suggests that it might have something to do with the Wild West, Quick Draw asks players to draw doodles of a certain word that is shown to them. Then the players have to draw the doodle using just their mouse cursor and then company's artificial intelligence gets into action. It tries to guess the word from the doodle being drawn by the player and if your doodle is not up to the mark, you don't get any points. Interested readers can check out the game over here . ...